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Hi John, and happy new year !

I’m currently work on the project (some hours pro week) but i’m alone on the project, and have an other job because Bazik is an “users success”, not a “commercial success” (average 100 licences today).
I want to be honest and think about the economic model so you can continue to use the software, and I can earn enough money to invest time in this amazing project. And your help is really helpful !

Maybe a crowfunding ? But I’m not good for communication, marketing campaign…
Maybe a PRO version with more features and more expensive ? But I’m not sure people want spend more money, and I can understand that…

Any other ideas ?

An other point is the PC version. It take me a lot of time, but not a creative time, just “compatible/debug” time… and the PC hardware world is really complex… Lot of work for… just some users. But I love the idea that this software can be use on every computer.


Now about features, there is lot of ideas on the desk !
– Shortcut Spout / OSC
Just add keyboard shortcuts for active / unactive

– Syphon input
So we can imagine chain some Bazik !

– Add text and pictures
Work is in progress 😉
– Easy create/edit preset
Really ? Yes it is possible, with a simple control script, but it’s a long work…
– Hue Slider
In fact, I would like to completely redesign the effect part with new possibility 🙂
– Ipad version
Why not ? It can be cool to have a small hardware solution.
– Hardware module
A dedicated controller ? A friendly dmx module ?
– Secret project
Bazik is the first step of a global project, more informations in 2016.


In any cases, Bazik would continue, because it is the software I always wanna have, and i love it for my party 🙂

And you, what do you think about the future of Bazik ?